We can always find time in our day to do the things we need to. I could have woken up early to practice but instead I chose to sleep in and enjoy Elliot's company; I am more in love with my husband as each week goes by...so I decided to let go, not stress, and enjoy a few hours with one of the people I love the most in the world!
Me & Elliot
Come Monday, my brain had become soft like mashed potatoes; it felt useless. I was blurry and seemed to have regressed; I had trouble doing even the most basic footwork! Wow.
I don't feel guilty though...now you're thinking, huh? What? Why not? Well I had complete control over my actions, thus I can only endure the consequences of my choices. I decided to dedicate this past weekend to my husband and our marriage.
Today, Tuesday, was a bit better than yesterday. Although, sitting down and reciting with Joanna Di, those things which I should have recited over the weekend, was pretty embarrassing for me...I should have been much farther ahead by now with the particular composition she had given me...As I recited, in the slowest speeds, I felt like a small child having to learn my ABC's all over again...
(Joanna Di re-instilling in me basic footwork and movements...such a patient teacher!
The most patient!)
So, the moral of the story is...PRACTICE whenever and as much as you choose to. PRACTICE will only benefit you...and will only prevent regression and allow progression.
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